2018. december 18.

The weirdest names of Santa Claus in different languages

The weirdest names of Santa Claus in different languages

#namesofsantaclaus  #santaclaus #christmas #santaclausnames

2018. december 13.

The Enochian language and the desperate little girl

The Enochian language and the desperate little girl

#enochianlanguage #angeliclanguage #celestialspeech #holylanguage

2018. november 21.

Languages in my head and they won’t go

Languages in my head and they won’t go

2018. október 29.

The ambitious machine. Computational Linguistics Part 2

The secret of creation. Computational Linguistics Part 3

#pólyaurndynamics #statisticalmodel, #turingtest #languagemodel #languageacquisition #connectionistmodel #artificialneuralnetwork #Priceequation #linguisticstyles #evolutionoflanguage #penntreebank #linguisticcorpora #humanlanguage #searchengine #automatedcustomerservice # toolforonlineeducation #robot 

2018. október 14.

Main characteristics of a good language teacher

Main characteristics of a good language teacher

#goodlanguageteacher #traditionallearningmethods #learningmethods #howtoapproachstudying #languagecoach  #enjoystudying #languagelearning  #languageteacher  #bestlanguageteacher

2018. szeptember 20.

The ambitious machine. Computational Linguistics Part 2

The ambitious machine. Computational Linguistics Part 2

#computerprogram #computationallinguistics #computationallinguisticstechniques #speechrecognition #speechgeneration #artificialintelligence

2018. szeptember 14.

Which language fits your personality?

Which language fits your personality?

#languageandpersonality #whichlanguagetolearn #whichlanguagematchesmypersonality

2018. augusztus 30.

Language learning strategies in 5 steps: Step 4

Language learning strategies in 5 steps: Step 4

#languagedependent, #learningresources, #popularlanguages, #boostyourvocabulary, #languageteacher

2018. augusztus 14.

Language learning strategies in 5 steps: Step 3

#learningstrategies #tipsforlanguagelearning

2018. augusztus 8.

Word formation: the secret meeting

Word formation: the secret meeting

#wordformation #backformation #derivation #conversion #glotters

2018. augusztus 3.

Hungarian: Uralic or Turkic sound change? A concrete example.

#hungarianrelationship #turkichungariancorrelation #uraliclanguages

2018. július 25.

Etymology: traces of the past

#linguistics #etymology #originofwords #historyofwords #wordsorigin #comparativemethod #historicallinguistics

2018. július 11.

Hungarian: Finno-Ugric or Turkic? That is the question. Part 2.

#uraliclanguages #finno-ugric #hungarianturkic

2018. július 6.

Language learning – misconceptions: "I am not perfect. I am not saying a...

2018. július 4.

Hungarian: Finno-Ugric or Turkic? That is the question. Part 1.

2018. június 20.

How did I learn foreign languages?

2018. június 12.

Ideophone vs Onomatopoiea: The Civil War

2018. június 8.

Alinei: Teoria della Continuità Paleolitica

#languageevolution #continutytheory #languagechange

2018. június 7.


2018. június 4.


2018. június 1.

Comrie: Languages and genes - review

2018. május 29.

The Ugric-Turkic Infinity War

2018. május 25.

How to learn a language easily?

2018. május 23.

Animal communication vs. human language part 2: differences

2018. május 21.

Animal communication vs. human language part 1: similarities

2018. május 17.

The human language

2018. május 16.

The most difficult language in the world

2018. május 15.

What job can you do if you are a linguist?

2018. május 14.

#Linguistics and #linguist

2018. május 11.

Evidence that most Indo-European Lexical reconstructions are artefacts

2018. május 9.

Challenge: cognates, loanwords, foreign words, calques

2018. május 7.

#Turkish reform

2018. május 3.

No #Uralic Family? No #Hungarian-Finnish relationship?

2018. április 30.

Cognates, false cognates, false friends

2018. április 27.

The Role of Codeswitching, Loan Translation and Interference review

2018. április 26.

Challenge: calques

2018. április 23.

#Calque - #loan translation

2018. április 20.

The dynamic of #code-copying in language encounters review

2018. április 18.

Challenge: code switching, code mixing

2018. április 16.


2018. április 13.

Chaudenson:#Creolization of #Language and Culture review

2018. április 11.

Challenge: pidgin, creole and mixed languages

2018. április 9.

Pidgin and creole

Welcome to my channel

2018. április 6.

Can threatened languages be saved? review

2018. április 4.

Challange: extinct languages

2018. április 3.

Language shift

2018. március 30.


Alinei: The Etruscans were Turks

Language change 2: types

Language change 1: Why and how

Hickey: Language change review

Challange: Language change 1

Challange: Language change 2

The language instinct

Language change: progress or decay? review

2018. március 26.

The language instinct